Your first story is almost ready and shall be published soon? Hereafter you will find further details about how to optimize Pageflows and how to make use of the tools full potential. These hints might be useful as an aid for the user‘s orientation and the spread in social networks as well. The following issues will be addressed:
Entitle pages
We recommend to entitle every single page in order to give users a first outlook on what can be expected from particular pages. Optionally, you can choose to entitle chapters as well (available for the "Progress navigation bar" only), if these have their own, particular titles. Because Pageflow numbers chapters consecutively by itself with „Chapter 1“, „Chapter 2“ and so on.
Page titles can be typed into the „Title“ box of every page.
In case, that some pages have no text title, it is possible to „Hide Titles“. This enables, that a title remains visible in the navigation, overview and on social media posts. That can be useful, if a text is longer than one page, or if more than one picture shall be shown to a certain part of your story, without wanting them to have their own headlines.
The „Overview“ displays chapters and thumbnails of the different pages. In this way, a quick summary of the whole story can be provided. These preview boxes are animated: By moving the cursor onto these thumbnails coloured bars appear. The bars can be provided with a short description. By clicking on one of these areas, a user will be directed to that specific page within the Pageflow.
To provide these descriptions, text must be typed into the „description“ box, which can be reached under „Options“ within a page. The colour of the animated bars depends on the „Main Colour“ chosen within your „Settings“. Text is always displayed in white.
Copyright / Credits
To modify your „Imprint“ go to „Settings“ within your account. In addition to your imprint you can also generate a copyright link.
For further information or descriptions you can use the „Credits“ field, accessible via „Title & Options“ -> „General“.
Via „Title & Options“ -> „General“ -> „Credits“ you can set external links and give further information to sources e.g. to composers or involved partners. This edit field provides simple text formatting like: Bold, italic, underline, link.
Image rights
Additional reference concerning rights for the usage of images and sound can be handled within the „Manage files“ section. By clicking the small arrow bottom of a file thumbnail, an infobox opens. Here you find the field „Credits“. Text that is typed into this box will be visible automatically in the credit box.
Text & Image
Choose a picture and a description text, which will be shown, if your Pageflow is shared in social networks. Otherwise Pageflow will generate an image from the first page of your story and will display the multimedia instruction as a standard text.
Important hint for changes of Social image and summary text after publishing on Facebook:
Facebook remembers the information, if a page is once shared. This process is called "scraping".
To update the scraped information, please use the "Facebook Debugger".
By clicking on you'll be able to see the information and to bump an update.
Configure Share Buttons with your own URL
Since the update to 0.10.0 Pageflow allows you to configure the Share Buttons with your own URL. This is recommended, if you embed stories via iframe into your website. Just click on "Title & Options" and them on "Social" to type in your own URL. If this window stays empty, Pageflow will link to your published story automatically.
Adjust image detail
The essential component of Pageflow‘s concept is its cross-platform functionality. Wether you view a story on a Desktop PC, Tablet or a Smartphone: Pageflows usually always look well.
To ensure that stories are displayed ideal on any device, you need to adjust the position of every image. You reach this adjustment via the blue box with the white frame in „Files“. By modifying every picture you can avoid, that important parts of an image might be cut off when viewed in upright format.
Embedding stories Into websites
You can embed stories via iframe. Just use the following code and paste your account name and title of your entry:
<iframe scrolling=„no" src="" allowfullscreen onmousewheel=""></iframe>
Pageflow automatically generates and shows this code on the entry's overview page:
Size of iframe
To modify the size of your iframe just add width and height (in % or pixel). Please notice that Pageflow switches to its mobile navigation at a width minor 700 px. The mobile navigation button will then be displayed instead of the desktop navigation bar.
<iframe width=„xy %“ height=„xy px“ scrolling=„no" src=“” allowfullscreen onmousewheel=“”></iframe>
How an embedded Pageflow can look like, can be seen in this example:
"Luxemburger Wort" - World Press Photo 2016
Please note: This service is a special offer to all journalists an publishers, that are using the hosted Pageflow service and is possible via our domain
With or without password protection
Via the "Outline" an entry can be published in a few seconds.In addition to the query of the desired publication period (limited vs. unlimited), a password protection can also be activated in this step.
Embedding preview boxes Into websites
When you publish a story, the system automatically generates a HTML-snippet that can be inserted on web pages as a story teaser. For this the „Social image“ and story title is taken. By means of the code, the size of the iframe can be adjusted. The minimum size is a height 150px and a width of 220px.
The URL, under which your story is accessible, is generated by the story title you chose. In order to edit the permalink, open the „Story“ tab.
After this, choose the story you would like to change by clicking on the name in the left column. Then choose the „Edit“ option in the upper left corner (next to the “Delete” button). You can now edit the permalink in the title section. After saving your changes, your new permalink is activated.
> Changing the URL might be a problem, if your story has already been shared.
If you noticee.g. spelling mistakes or displaced image adjustments while reviewing your story, changes can of course be made. But, keep in mind, that these changes will not be shown until you publish your story again. Already published versions of your story are automatically stored under „Versions“ in your backend. You also have the opportunity to restore an older version.